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Please login to the game panel. Click here to log in to the game panel .


  • 1.0:
    • Creation Date: 2024/1
    • Update: First edition created

STEP1. インストールが完了するのを待ってください。

Once the customer completes the application and the service status becomes active, the game server installation will begin. During the installation process, you will not be able to see most of the information as shown in the image below. This screen will take a few minutes to complete.


When the server installation is complete, our game panel system will send an installation completion message to your e-mail address.

STEP2. 各ポートの確認

ゲームパネルの’Network’タブで割当されているポートを確認する事ができます。 以下のように合計4個のポートが確認できます。

STEP3. 各ポートの解説

Ports are assigned on a regular basis. From top to bottom, the ports have the following port roles

The actual port number assigned after applying for our game server is different from the image.

1: Gameport


3: Steam port

4: Battle eye port


STEP4. 利用開始

After confirming that you have all the necessary ports for game play, please start using the system.


Depending on your user environment, you may be kicked out by BattleEye within a few minutes after logging in to the server. In such a case, please open the following 'server.cfg' file, paste the following code before the mission template and press the 'SAVE CONTENT' button The 'SAVE CONTENT' button will be displayed.

autoSelectMission = true


STEP5. サーバーの再起動

設定ファイル変更を反映する為にサーバーを再起動してください。 サーバーの再起動を実施しないと入力したパラメータが適用されません。 ’Consol’タブに移動し’Restart’をクリックしてください。

If you have any other questions, please submit a ticket.


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