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V Rising - first time setup


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  • 1.0:
    • Creation Date: 2024/8
    • Update: First edition created

STEP1. インストールが完了するのを待ってください。

Once the customer completes the application and the service status becomes active, the game server installation will begin. During the installation process, you will not be able to see most of the information as shown in the image below. This screen generally takes a few minutes to complete, but may take several tens of minutes under server load conditions or when the installation file size is large.

When the server installation is complete, our game panel system will send an installation completion message to your e-mail address.

STEP2. ゲームポートの確認

You can check the gameport on the server console in the game panel. In the case of the image below, the Game port number is 26313. Clicking on the red frame in the image will automatically copy the port number.

STEP3. ポートの追加割り当て

V Risingゲームサーバーはゲームポートの他に2個のポートが必要になります。 ゲームパネルの’Network’タブに移動し、’CREATE ALLOCATION’ボタンを2回押してください。 すると、以下画像のように2個のポートが追加されます。 ※混乱しないように各ポートの役割をメモする機能があります、以下画像では各ポートに役割を記載しています※

One additional port (for reference image)
1:26037=Game Port
2:26482=Steam Query

STEP4. Steam Queryポートの設定

The game server must recognize the additionally assigned port number.
Click on "Startup" in the right menu of the game panel and enter the additional assigned port numbers in the "QUERY PORT" and "RCON PORT" settings box and enter the additional port numbers assigned to you.
この記事の例では前項で割り当てされたポート番号26482と26396を”STEAM QUERY PORT”と”RCON PORT”の設定ボックスにそれぞれ入力しています。

STEP5. 設定の適用

The server must be restarted for these settings to take effect. Go to the 'Consol' tab and click the 'Restart' button to perform the restart.



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