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Enshrouded Scavenger Matron Location.

Enshrouded has a number of different bosses that players can track and challenge.

These bosses can drop high-level loot and are a great way to collect Legendary weapons.
Scavenger Matron is a particularly formidable boss who can spit poison and summon hordes of enemies that players must deal with.

Matrons can also be found inside large scavenger encampments that are usually filled with loot and many enemies; prepare for these formidable bosses with the Enshrouded Beginner's Guide.

All Locations of Scavenger Matron
Enshrouded Scavenger Matrons are large, slow-moving scavenger bosses found in many encampments around the map.
They are relatively slow, but attack quickly and repeatedly summon their companions.

Cook strong food, create supplies, and get ready to defeat this boss.
Below is a list of all scavenger matrons that appear in Embervale.

Scavenger Hill
Scavenger Hill is Springland.The nearest fast travel point is located at The nearest fast travel points areAncient Spires of SpringlandThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

Lupa's Hideout
Lupa's Hideout is in Amber Hollow.It is located on the south side of theNomad: Ancient spires of the HighlandsThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

Fawn Song Frontier
Fawn Song Frontier is,rebel woodAncient Spires of Liberwood and continue east.

Surat Rest.
Soulat Resto is located in Low MeadowsIt is located on a plateau above the shroud of the To arrive quickly,Ancient Spires of the Low MeadowsThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

Ocean's Heart
Ocean's Heart is a kindle waystLocated in the northeastern part ofAncient spires in Kindlewasteto the north to find this camp.

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