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How to Get a Guard of the North Armor Set at Enshrouded

Enshrouded には、多くのアーマー セットが用意されています。

Some stats are relatively influential, but there is no significant difference between each part as long as it is obtained from an area close to the enemy or level.The guard of the north set has great base stats, but also has some drawbacks that shorten the elapsed time in the shroud.

However, this armor set is the only armor that grants the associated achievement when obtained in-game.

explanatory note Northern Guardian Set Reduces the amount of time a player can spend in the shroud .

 icon Name
special effects
Helmet of the Northern Guard – 物理耐性: 18
– 魔法耐性: 18
シュラウドの最大時間 -45秒
クリティカルヒット確率 +13%
Breastplate of the Northern Guard – 物理耐性: 44
– 魔法耐性: 44
シュラウド内の最大時間 -45秒
体力 +160
Northern Guard Pants – 物理耐性: 27
– 魔法耐性: 27
シュラウドの最大時間 -30秒
スタミナ +8
Gloves of the Northern Guard – 物理耐性: 12
– 魔法耐性: 12
シュラウドの最大時間 -1分
魔法ダメージ +4%
遠隔ダメージ +4%
近接ダメージ +4%
Northern Guard Boots – 物理耐性: 12
– 魔法耐性: 12
シュラウドの最大時間 -30秒
体力回復 +1
スタミナ回復 +2

Enshrouded's Guard of the North Armor and Guard of the North Helmet.How to get it
1.East of Pike's courtyard.Tower of RuinsYou can find it at

2. Mining the shroud material.balconyand loot the helmets there.


Northern Guard Chest Plate
1 . The chest plate is in the Imperial Gardens.cryptIt is located withinThe following is a list of the most common problems with the 

2 . Go to the bottom of the basement ossuary, which contains a chestOpen the sarcophagus.


Pants of the Northern Guard
1.Pants.Inside Pike's harbor.undergroundIt is located at 

2. The treasure chest containing the trousers isbottom of a tunnelIt is located at


Gloves of the Northern Guard
1.Gloves are near the center of the fortress, nearschlauderouteIt is located next to the 

2.Felsanderblut.Defeat the boss and obtain the gloves from a nearby treasure chest.


Boots of the Northern Guard
1.Boots,Shanti Shack'sSouth end,towerin the 

2.Climb the tower and obtain the boots from the treasure chest at the top.

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