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How to Download Naeth's Storage World for Enshrouded


Enshrouded にはクリエイティブ モードがないため、プレイヤーは獲得したリソースを使用して構築する必要があり、時間がかかります。
これを改善するために、プレイヤーはリソースとアイテムが豊富に含まれるNaeth’s Storage Worldなどのカスタムサンドボックス ワールドをアップロードできます。

Because the character exists outside of the world, players can take what they need from the storage world and apply it elsewhere.

explanatory note Back up all world files before uploading your custom world.

How to download Naeth's Storage World for Enshrouded
1. Download "Naeth's Storage World" from NexusMods.

2.file explorerand find the following directory
Program Files (x86)/Steam/userdata

3.SteamID3(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionOpen a folder.

explanatory note To identify your SteamID3, follow our guide on how to find your Steam ID.

4.1203620Open the Enshrouded games folder named
Next,remoteOpen the folder.

5. Write down and remember the names of the files in the folder. These are existing worlds.

6. Minimize the file.EnshroudedStarts the

7 . [New Game]next to theClick [Create].Press to create a private world.

8.[Play]Press to join the world.


9. After successful participation, close the game andremoteReturn to the folder and find the new file.


10.「Naeth's Storage World"Upload the world file from (if the file names are the same, replace the file).


11. ." to match the new file found in step 9.Naeth's Storage WorldRename the "file".


explanatory note _oldTo avoid name conflicts, add to the new world file.

12.Launch the game,Naeth's Storage WorldLoad the

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