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How to add an administrator to a Myth of Empires server


Myth of Empires administrators play a key role in maintaining order on the server and improving the overall gaming experience.

As server supervisors, administrators enforce rules, address player concerns, ensure fair play and create a positive and fun community atmosphere.

The administrator's responsibilities may also include the implementation of updates and changes to improve the "event management, conflict handling, and server environment" in this multiplayer war sandbox game.

SteamID64 is required. Follow this tutorial on how to find a user's SteamID64.

Myth of Empires サーバーに管理者を追加する方法
1.ゲーム パネルにログインします。

Stop the server .

3. Go to the [Startup] tab, the third one from the top right.

In the ADMIN ID'S field, enter the required administrator's SteamID64.

explanatory note Multiple administrators are separated by a semicolon ( ).;

Start the server .

How to access admin commands (in-game)
1.Keyboardtilde(Press(computer) consoleOpen the`

instruction Description.
Cheat Fly Allows administrators to fly.
Cheat Walk Disables the fly function.
Cheat SaveWorld Save the current world to the server.
Cheat Ghost Allows the administrator to go through the object.
Cheat God Makes the administrator invincible.
Cheat Hide Hide the administrator.
Cheat KickOff <SteamID64> Kick the desired player.
Cheat GotoPlayer <SteamID64> Teleports to the desired player.
Cheat PullPlayer <SteamID64> Teleports the desired player to the administrator.
Cheat KillPlayer <SteamID64> true Kill the target player and drop all items.
Cheat KillPlayer <SteamID64> false Kills the intended player and does not drop items.
Cheat EmptyPlayerInventory <SteamID64> Remove all items from the desired player.
Cheat AttachPlayerForWatch <SteamID64> Allows the administrator to observe the desired player.
Cheat GotoPosition <x> <y> <z> Teleports to the desired location.
Cheat setTime <time>  Set server time in 24-hour format

2.KeyboardEscape(Press the ( ) button, Server SettingsSelect theESC

explanatory note The Server Settings button appears only if the player is the administrator.
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