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How to use PowerSlug in Satisfactory

The Satisfactory has and there are many ways to increase the efficiency of your plant.

One of these is to overclock the facility using a "power shard".
These shards can be created by collecting power slugs from the wilderness.

Overclocking a facility increases "working speed, power generation, and power consumption," so make sure there is enough excess power in the power grid before attempting to overclock.

Try to collect lots of power slugs to provide enough power for your custom blueprints and increase production speed.

How to use PowerSlug with Satisfactory
1.Power slugs arethroughout the wilderness, usuallyHard to reach placesIt is located at

2 . If found,PRESS E.Pick up.

3 . Power slugs.Craft BenchesWe will take it to the

4 .Power Shard'ssection.

5 . Power slugs come in severalrarities, each providing a different amount of power shard.

Blue Power Slugs." Power Shard1 個
Yellow Power Shard." Power Shard2個
Purple Power Shard." Power Shard5個

 . Select a recipe for the slug type collected and ,Press and hold CraftThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

7 .Power Shard.Bring to any facility.

8 .overclocksection.

9 . Max.Three Power Shard.Place it in the slot.

10 .Power Sliderto change the operating efficiency of the facility by dragging the


explanatory note Overclocking a facility increases the amount of power it generates/consumes. Try overclocking the generator first to provide more power.
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