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How to upload blueprints to the Satisfactory server

Satisfactory has a custom blueprint system that allows users to create custom builds and share them with other community members.

These blueprints range from efficient factories to luxurious lounges and complex railroads.

Blueprints are easily available from the Satisfactory Calculator Web site.
The site allows users to upload blueprints for evaluation and download by the community.

explanatory note Create a local backup to save needed files.

How to upload a blueprint to a Satisfactory server
1 . Download custom blueprints from the Satisfactory Calculator website.

Log in to the game panel.

3 . Server.Stop.


5. Locate the following directories

6. Open the Blueprint folder.
If it does not exist, create a folder by selecting Create > Create Folder.

7. AppropriateWorld FolderOpen a file. If it does not exist, create it.
The folder name must be the same as the session name.

8. To find the session name,/.config/FactoryGame/Saved/SaveGames/serverdirectoryMove to
The name appears in the file.

9. blue (colour, color)Printed .sbpUpload the file to the world folder.

10. Server.Startup.


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